Home Agenda Plugging hole in the internet: Europe’s government and industry responses to spyware

Plugging hole in the internet: Europe’s government and industry responses to spyware

Plugging hole in the internet: Europe’s government and industry responses to spyware

This POLITICO Spotlight is organized on October 25th in partnership with Google and within their cybersecurity resilience programs throughout the European Cybersecurity Month. Check the full event program here.

The rise of cyberattacks like spyware and software used for malicious purposes has raised new questions on the security of the internet services and how governments ensure the internet’s resilience.

Key questions to be addressed:

  • How does the rise of cyberattacks challenge the resilience of the internet? And what’s the role of European policymakers to protect it?
  • Does Europe need common rules on when and how to use spyware? Does it need legislation to enforce them? Is existing legislation useful to combat its proliferation?
  • How can European governments better monitor and control the market for these spyware tools?
  • Civil society has called for a moratorium on its use until there are clear rules in place. Do we need one?
  • What are national oversight regimes worth copying for the use of spyware by governments?
  • How are the tech sector’s giants playing their part in stopping the proliferation of spyware?


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