Home China Braces for Baby Boom Under New Two-Child Rule

China Braces for Baby Boom Under New Two-Child Rule

BEIJING — When Zhou Meifen gave birth to her second child not long after 12:01 a.m. on New Year’s Day, she dodged a $12,000 birth control tax by just a few minutes.

The 36-year-old interior designer from Wenzhou in China’s Zhejiang province was one of the earliest beneficiaries of the new law that took effect on January 1 which allows couples to have two children instead of one. If her baby had been delivered during 2015, she would’ve faced the hefty bill.

The country is expected to welcome as many as eight million extra new babies each year after the abolition of the controversial one-child policy, ushering in a new era of brothers and sisters for Chinese families… Read more : NBC News, 04.01.2016

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