Home Agenda Competitive Europe Summit 2022

Competitive Europe Summit 2022

Competitive Europe Summit 2022

15-16 June, 2022
Brussels started the year determined to pursue long held ambitions. Upending these, the war in Ukraine will affect the world economy for years to come and will disrupt Europe’s plans to become the first climate-neutral continent by 2050 while remaining competitive and protecting its autonomy. Wide-ranging objectives also include reigning in Big Tech and promoting a digital transition for Europe to assert its voice in the technological arena.

In what’s slated to be a momentous year, compromises between Member States are highly sought-afterso Europe can push its way forward vis-à-vis China and the U.S. There is still a long way to go from making the most out of the recovery money, from turning Europe’s green aspirations and trade policy plans into reality all the way to shaping a timely and efficient defense and diplomatic apparatus to response to emerging threats.

To dissect all these topics, POLITICO Live is hosting its third edition of the Competitive Europe Summit on June 15-16, 2022, in Brussels and online. Bringing together high-level policymakers, industry experts, and civil society actors through interviews, panel discussions and roundtables, this event – taking place halfway through the Commission’s mandate – represents a unique opportunity to dissect Europe’s growth and its capacity to act on its own accord.

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