The GEAB is a monthly, affordable, decision and analysis support instrument intended for all those for whom the understanding of future world developments examined from a truly European perspective constitutes a significant part of their work or project: advisors, consultants, financiers, economists, researchers, experts, heads of public institutions, research centres and international businesses, or major NGOs …
As early as February 15th, the second issue of the GlobalEurope Anticipation Bulletin (GEAB N°2 announced that an international political, economic and monetary crisis was to be triggered in the course of the last week of March 2006. The public announcement summing up this position toured the world, raising virulent criticisms of course, but above all warm thanks and vivid gratefulness for having opened a debate considered a healthy one.. > More
“LEAP has anticipated a “Global Systemic Crisis”, its calendar and its steps. I haven’t come across any such strong positioning in the microcosm of forward studies for a long time. A brave attitude contrasting with the profession’s current pusillanimity. Years ago already, French forward studies have given up on global anticipation. Why? Probably because of the growing complexity of the world that a simplistic way of thinking cannot grasp. Maybe also because our time is invaded by political correctness and has become unable to envisage radical breaks. LEAP must be praised for changing this….
From January 2006 to October 2012 the GEAB was edited and coordinated by Franck Biancheri, LEAP’s director of studies and strategies and creator of the political anticipation method. Since Franck Biancheri’s death, each issue is edited by Marie-Hélène Caillol and coordinated by Sylvain Périfel, using our research teams to the full.
* Global systemic crisis watch
* Analysis of topical political, economic and financial subjects
* Identification of relevant pointers, trend analysis, anticipating changes
* Monitoring the Dollar, the US economy, the global economy, financial markets,…; anticipating changes
* Monitoring the Euro, the European economy, developments in European governance…; anticipating changes
* Monitoring the BRICS countries’ emergence, economic indicators, global rebalancing, global governance…; anticipating changes
* Implications of the crisis for security and defence, politics, public opinion…
* Identifying promising future paths
* Strategic recommendations to directors and managers
* Investment advice and asset protection
Each December, the GlobalEurope Anticipation Bulletin’s (GEAB) LEAP team prepares an assessment of its anticipations to establish their reliability. This exercise, all too rarely carried out by think tanks, rating agencies and other forecasting organizations, is not only useful for evaluating the reliability of LEAP’s anticipations, it is equally an intellectual exercise necessary for putting the certainties or evidence, which have faded away during the year, in perspective. The GEAB is a rational instrument for analyzing and understanding the trends which fashion our immediate future. Unlike ideological or mystic approaches, its assessment is, therefore, an integral part of its usefulness.
Each issue’s contents are exclusive and confidential (not made available to the public until three months later).
This bulletin is an electronic publication coordinated by the Laboratoire Européen d’Anticipation Politique (LEAP), distributed by Editions Anticipolis, Administrative director: Geta Grama-Moldovan
Available languages
French, English, German, Spanish, Italian
Monthly – 10 issues a year published on the 16th of each month (excepting July and August)
30 pages
240 € (non-refundable) for 10 issues a year (also giving privileged access to LEAP organized events);
LEAP is financed only by GEAB subscriptions. LEAP receives no other financing, public or private, international, European or national. This enables the GEAB analyses to be completely independent, a rare privilege amongst world think tanks and a guarantee of quality.
General conditions of sale
Introduction: Any order placed through the Laboratoire Européen d’Anticipation Politique (LEAP) internet site assumes the prior reading and acceptance of these general conditions of sale. The placing of an order implies full and unreserved acceptance of these general conditions of sale of LEAP, Editions Anticipolis by the client (hereinafter the “subscriber”) which are the only conditions applicable to any concluded contract. LEAP, Editions Anticipolis cannot, in any circumstances, be held liable for the subscriber’s use of the Global Europe Anticipation Bulletin’s (GEAB) published contents. The subscriber accepts and agrees that he has been informed that his agreement to the present conditions of sale does not require a written signature on this document if he wishes to order products offered by LEAP/Editions Anticipolis .. > More