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World crisis – The Path to the World Afterwards

15 x 23 cm - 168 p

The financial and economic crisis that the world has been facing in the past two years marks the end of the world order established after 1945. In 1989, the “Soviet pillar” has collapsed and we are now witnessing the accelerated decomposition of the “Western pillar” with the United States at the heart of the process of disintegration.

After two decades spent living in the myth of an “ended history” in which our Western camp would be imposed universally, it is almost impossible to imagine “a world after” where tendencies would not be defined in Washington or Wall Street, where “Anglo-American” would not necessarily mean “modern” and where the dollar would no longer be king.

As in Eastern Europe before 1989, neither our media nor our leaders are capable of helping us “imagine the unimaginable”, they are too busy trying to make us “forget the unforgettable”, in particular, the socio-economic consequences of the crisis throughout the world. This book attempts to fill this lack of anticipation of our leaders and elites by giving a concrete vision of the future in Europe and the world by 2020.

What conflicts can this world-after-the-crisis generate? How to prepare for monetary and economic upheavals coming up in the next few years? How can we and should we cope as Europeans? How will interact the emerging powers such as Brazil, India, Russia and China in the first place? What difficulties will these countries meet on their way up? How can our children position themselves to prepare for this world after, as citizens and as professionals?

These are some of the questions that this book tries to answer by providing leads for reflection and action to the individual as much as to the group. Because this crisis we are experiencing is not only the end of the “world before”, it is also an unprecedented opportunity to rebuild a “world after”, provided not to be mistaken about the dangers, challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Paperback : 20 € - Languages : EN I FR I GER I SPA I ITA

PDF : 4,50 € - Languages : EN I FR I GER I SPA I ITA

A Manual of political anticipation

10x15 cm - 64 pages

On many occasions during the last 25 years, the sphere of influence focused around the personage of Franck Biancheri has, de facto, provided fertile ground for the correct anticipation of major historic events: the fall of the Iron Curtain, the crisis of the European Commission, the collapse of the Dollar and the global systemic crisis… are some of the most striking predictions in the story (which is still unfolding) of this sphere of influence whose very diverse features (European context, network organisation, political objectives, independent state of mind…) allows one to suppose that they play some role, without doubt, in this « ability ». Indeed, if one’s correct anticipation is the result of chance, the second can be good luck, but by a third, it becomes possible to hope that some rules and a rational approach are at play.

What is political anticipation (and what it isn’t)? What is its use? What are the tools, principles and rules which shape it? What are its limits? These are the questions which this small manual will try and answer.

PDF : 4,50 € - Languages : FR/EN/DE/ES

Europe : Community or Empire?

14 x 20,8 cm - 168 p.

In 1992, Franck Biancheri was already very familiar with the community system, due to the various acquired experiences in the «community school» where he and the rest of the «builders» were formed (as he himself pointed out in the first chapter of this book). Here are some memorable ones: the creation of the European Student Forum (AEGEE-Europe); the campaign for the Erasmus Programme; the creation of the first trans-European political party named IDE; the prospective work of the Prometheus-Europe Association and, particularly the denunciation of the malfunctioning TEMPUS programme in 1991/92; the founding of the Euro-Prospective, his own Research and Audit Company for the Community programmes, as well as his working days within the European Court of Auditors (1991/1992). All those have enabled him to survey the corridors, lobbies and cabinets of all decision-making levels in Europe…

Book : 18 € - Languages : EN I FR

PDF : 4,50 € - Languages : EN I FR

Euroland at a crossroads – A Review of the debate on the reform of the Eurozone

14 x 20,8 cm - 63 p.

In a European Union in great practical and moral difficulty, the eurozone is looking more and more like Europe’s ‘hard-core’ – that has resisted the shocks absorbed by our continent in the past 10 years better than the rest. And this is to be expected: the eurozone is composed of the countries that have chosen the fullest integration. Sharing the same currency, they are firmly embarked on the same course and have no choice but to find ways to live together. Sharing the same currency entails talking about common taxation and joint investment. Automatically, this raises questions about the means of providing this financing capacity: Defence, social, environment, economic recovery, employment etc. A political Europe, therefore … and democratic as well hopefully … Are we finally getting there?

Problem: The Eurozone is not the EU … how to build a democratic Eurozone while all eyes are fixed on “Brussels” …

E-book : 5 € - Languages : EN I FR

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