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14,8 x 21 cm - 102 p.

The Franck Biancheri Heritage Community Eurocitizens Directory 2020 is a project initiated by the AAFB with the support and for the archives of the Jean Monnet Foundation for Europe. It lists, on a voluntary basis, members of the first “Generation Europe” who crossed paths with Franck Biancheri in his research, education and activism activities.

Book : 70 € - Languages : MIXT

PDF : 40 € - Languages : MIXT

The emergence of eurocitizens

Re-edited in 2015 (1st edition 1996) - 11x18 cm - 132 p.

The Little Blue Book offers an original point of view on the recent history of the European construction process, through the creation and development of the first major European student network, AEGEE-EUROPE, in 1985.
Precisely 30 years ago, in a Europe that was wrapping up its economic union and beginning to put its political integration into perspective, Franck Biancheri contributed significantly to the challenge of forming new generations of Euro-citizens by creating AEGEE-Europe. And two years later, to prove that Europe indeed had a huge need of Euro-Citizens, AEGEE, still under Franck’s leadership, enabled the adoption of the ERASMUS program, today’s undisputed flagship of the European construction… at the time blocked by national administrations. Keeping that in mind, Franck Biancheri then on relentlessly fought for the democratization of the EU…

Book : 18,90 € - Languages : EN I FR

E-book : 4,90 € - Languages : EN I FR

Une Journée en 2053 (One Day in 2053)


Une Journée en 2053 is the compilation of the interventions of a conference organized by GS1 on the occasion of the 40 years of the bar code in August 2013, a conference whose characteristic was to bring together with happiness a panel of professionals from sufficiently diverse backgrounds to that there emerges a real “vision” of what our society could look like in 2053. This “vision” is based on the analysis of current problems to which men and women are working to provide solutions for the future. Six of them present their “work-modeler of the future” in this book.

Une Journée en 2053 is a free publication from Anticipolis editions, produced in partnership with GS1 France. Download Une Journée en 2053 for free and test our new electronic formats!

PDF : FREE € - Languages : FR

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