Home Western Sahara 2016 : end of the status quo

Western Sahara 2016 : end of the status quo

For 40 years now, the freezing of the situation in Western Sahara has been contributing significantly to the paralysis of the whole of North Africa. Nevertheless, significant changes in the regional order allow our team to anticipate a future outcome.

. South China Sea, 2016: a summit of bordering countries
In line with the escalating tensions resulting from the large global systemic transition, a direct confrontation between the US and China is clearly on the conceivable horizon. The fuelled tensions in the South China Sea regarding the disputed ownership of certain islands seem to provide a perfect trigger to the escalating conflict in the American-Chinese relations. Yet, our team, without totally excluding the hypothesis of such a conflict, anticipates that this bluster is probably just about to be extinguished…(Read more in the GEAB 99)

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