The major changes that the Middle East has undergone in recent years, culminating in the all-too-famous Abraham Accords, now allow the United States to disengage from the Afghan quagmire in favour of a more local management of the region. Joe Biden thus ratifies the strategic choices of the previous administration and manages to seal, twenty years later, the appalling legacy of the Bush jr. administration. If this withdrawal from Afghanistan was essential, the change in the situation that it represents is considerable enough for the GEAB to engage in an anticipation exercise for the various domino effects the historic event could trigger on the world. Geopolitical and geoeconomic dynamics which have long been blocked are now being unleashed. This will impact the United States in the short term, of course, but also Europe, Germany, the Transatlantic relations, NATO, the Middle East, Africa, China and mostly China’s relations with the rest of the world.
Such a strange destiny for this seemingly unimportant country, where the two Cold War empires came to die.
The post-Merkel Germany and a short panorama of the eco-financial planet, a few news items and our usual investment recommendations complete this issue, for which we hope you will be back on the 15th of this month after a well deserved summer leave.
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Detailed summary of the GEAB No.157 :