Home Blog Coming soon, our GEAB 161 – January issue. A synopsis…

Coming soon, our GEAB 161 – January issue. A synopsis…

The GEAB ” Panorama of Trends for 2022″ is coming!

Yesterday’s world is still dying, and tomorrow’s world is already in crisis…

Indeed, it is now time to separate the wheat from the chaff of all the futures imagined and financed over the last decade. This stage will inevitably be painful, as shown by the first changes of gear in the energy sector, to mention only the most obvious: a return (as anticipated) to nuclear and gas power in order to emerge from the fantasy of happy degrowth nurtured with love and fresh water. The challenge is to find the common paths to realistic futures, and there is nothing obvious about it. The politicians and financiers are not the only ones who have been dreaming. Everyone will have to step down from their little clouds, but not all are ready to do so…

This is one of the structuring trends that we list in our “annual panorama of trends” which forms the core of the January issud is composed, as usual, of some thirty trends and anticipations to help you see the new year more clearly.

This Panorama is completed by several investment recommendations and a focus on China and the Web3.0.

We take this opportunity to wish you the safest possible navigation through the winds and currents of the year 2022.

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Detailed summary of the GEAB 161:

– Editorial: We declare the GEAB is of public utility!

– Panorama 2022: 30 trends and anticipations to include in your GPS for the year

– Web3: Meta is not the future of metaverse

– Systemic change: from “made in China” to “powered by China”

– Investments, trends and recommendations


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