Home Blog 2022: A New Europe is born (coming soon, our October issue)

2022: A New Europe is born (coming soon, our October issue)

The world’s eyes are all on the British rantings, the accelerated recomposition of the English-speaking camp, the fragility of the Biden administration, the risks of defaulting on the American debt, the threats of a coup in the US, the explosion in the polls of the French far right, and other cold sweats caused by the death howls of a 20th century that is trying to give itself a future by recreating the conditions for the emergence of its former glories. But a careful and balanced observation of the world allows us to glimpse something much more innovative and pacifying, something which seems to come in part from a very discreet Europe that benefits from the little attention it receives in order to advance its third way, which allows to get out of the Cold War (bipolar) or empire (unipolar) dialectic. An EU with a real vision, a France that is regaining its stance in the European court, a European defence emerging from limbo at last, an Eastern Europe in full reversal, a foreign policy on the way to becoming truly common, …

The Europeans are definitely not idle, and we will have to start counting on their dynamics to understand what tomorrow’s world will be made of. That said, a final battle will take place in 2022, from which a New Europe will emerge, the nature of which will make it possible to determine whether the world will be divided or will stand out.

This analysis is rooted in the research related to the elaboration of this month’s Global Political Agenda, as well as in the reflections on the prospects of the AUKUS alliance and those of the NATO nuclear sharing system; three other articles in this next issue.

Also, of course, our usual recommendations will be included, in order to continue to ford the torrent of the ongoing global systemic transition.

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Detailed summary:

  • 2022: A New Europe is born
  • The China-AUKUS war will not happen
  • 2024: Towards a break in NATO’s nuclear sharing
  • Global Political Agenda: The major events of the next 3 months
  • Recommendations: Currencies, Gold, Energy, Luxury,…


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