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Category: franck biancheri

Political Anticipation and Networks – Creating Anticipatory Systems for Government and Society

LEAP, whose method of political anticipation was invented by Franck Biancheri, and applied every month in the GEAB, is honoured to have been invited to contribute a 20-page chapter in an international scientific publication on Cognitive Systems entitled « Anticipation across Disciplines », edited by world famous anticipation expert, Prof Mihai Nadin (Springer, 2015)… . Investments, trends […]

EU: A constitutional deadlock and the crisis of the analytical system of/on the EU

In this beginning  of 2006,  the project  of constitutional  treaty  is still at the centre  of most  EU discussions. Does this mean that the process of ratification is being rejuvenated or is it the sign of a profound deadlock in which the EU institutions and political leaders are stuck? What course will follow the EU […]