Considering the barrage of change indicators, our GEAB team currently feels like they don’t know where to start in order to provide a coherent and complete picture of the crisis. Yet, this feeling is probably nothing compared to what our leaders and their advisers experience. A sense of loss of control of the flow of […]
Last May, in the Global Europe Anticipation Bulletin N°5, LEAP/E2020 had detailed the four phases of the global systemic crisis, indicating that the phase known as of acceleration would start in June and would be spread out over a period of a maximum six months at which stage, the explosive phase of the crisis, the […]
Firstly, LEAP/E2020 confirms the crisis is still accelerating and should last from June to November 2006, as we had already announced last May. In addition, our teams can now anticipate more precisely two essential developments: the continuing of the fall of the Dollar compared to the Euro, with a new acceleration by the end of […]
LEAP/E2020 anticipates that the loss of confidence sector by sector will converge in June 2006, and tend to generalise in each sector, resulting in an acceleration of the crisis. The acceleration will occur over a period of three to six months and have seven major consequences. Consequence N°1 – Accelerated decline of the US-Dollar Since […]
In this beginning of 2006, the project of constitutional treaty is still at the centre of most EU discussions. Does this mean that the process of ratification is being rejuvenated or is it the sign of a profound deadlock in which the EU institutions and political leaders are stuck? What course will follow the EU […]