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Category: crisis

Trump, the last boomer

The triumphant re-election of Donald Trump symbolises the end of the baby-boomer generation’s dominance – their values, economic models and worldview – massively rejected, not just by a large majority of American voters, but also by global public opinion. This response was more supportive of this victory than the Western political and media spheres would […]

The intolerable persistence of the EU’s economic and political crises

The European Union is facing a series of economic and political crises that threaten to shatter its model. Between the rise of nationalism, economic weakness and the failure of monetary policy, the EU seems to be out of breath. Could this be the very end of the United Europe? Isn’t it time to acknowledge that […]

Assessment of our anticipations for 2021: 77% success rate

As we noted last year, the health crisis has accelerated all the systemic transformation projects that had been languishing hopelessly in the back of drawers of our governments and companies paralysed by routine. The GEAB’s job is to study trends, prospects for change and strategies that decision-makers are putting in place to prepare for them, […]

Global Economy 2022: What if growth is not forthcoming…

The IMF has already started to revise downwards its 2021 growth projections: for the US (from 7 to 6%)[1], Asia (from 7.6 to 6.5%)[2], the Eurozone (from 5.4 to 5%)[3], and the world (from 6 to 5.9%).[4] As seen in our article on the central banks, the Western financial administration is bent on continuing unconventional […]

Global Humanitarian Crisis 2020-2030: From eliminating Poverty to eliminating the Poor

There is no doubt that the collective unconscious of the West feels threatened by an overpopulated humanity. Everything contributes to this diffuse feeling[1] : . The post-pandemic return to life and street crowds suddenly made unbearable by comparison with the calm of the lockdown. . The highlighting of a non-Western world ten times more numerous than […]

Towards the Very Big Humanitarian Crisis (coming soon, the November issue of the GEAB)

Even if there are still reasons for hope on the global horizon and the paths to reinventing a functional model are showing up on all sides, the world still has some dramatic stages to go through, according to our team. The previous model was particularly based on growth, but growth is primarily demographic. For many […]

Dollar: Time is running out

The dollar will collapse only if the United States decides to let it collapse. The country is now in a situation where it is getting closer to having to make that decision. Are the current threats of non-raising the debt ceiling designed to warn the world that this time is coming and that everyone must […]

State of the Union: This is the final crisis! (excerpt from the GEAB of June 2020)

Despite the figures for the pandemic once again sky-rocketing, Biden – like Trump back in March – does not envisage a second lockdown.[1] The reality is that the United States cannot afford for the economy to be put on hold again. This excerpt from last June’s GEAB weighs up the potential damage. ” While Europeans […]

Mid-November: International Summits Congestion

In the week we publish GEAB there are some very big events that we have to bring to your attention: 12-16 November: ASEAN summit / Vietnam. The debates focus on the immense risks that US-Chinese tensions pose to the region. 13 November: G20 / Saudi Arabia.  The indebted countries of the G20 agree to lift […]

Financial Markets in Turmoil, Endemic Violence, Stabilisation Needed: What Will the Next Catastrophe Be?

Even though the world is still counting its Covid deaths and assessing the consequences of this crisis onto its financial markets, economy and society, perhaps it is already time to wonder whether a second rogue wave is not already forming on the horizon, ready to sweep away the old Western socio-economic model next year. Contrary […]

First Steps in the Cyberjungle…

With this article, the LEAP team opens up to a still little-known dimension of the 21st century: the cyber-world, where a society is developing, interacting and operating outside of any legal framework, with very real impacts on our lives. Just as opening up to digital currencies has led us to exciting anticipations about the paths […]

Covid, NATO, Migrants… Flashback to all European crises

As the media heralds the Democrat candidate’s victory in the US presidential election, Europe is going through another of the great hallucinations that we described last month in the GEAB: “Under Biden, America is back and the world is saved!” And the good news is piling up, starting with the discovery of a miracle vaccine by […]

Paper gold: A looming crisis

Are the precious metal markets rushing to get ready for the biggest bull run in history? Recent actions by the London Bullion Market Association, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and many international bullion banks could be pointing towards a perfect storm in the precious metals sphere – one that could see a final collapse of the […]

Bolivia is in crisis (throwback to what we said last month)

Excerpt from the GEAB 138 / 15 Oct. 2019: “The left-wing president, Evo Morales, is running for a fourth term despite the constitutional limit and a referendum against circumventing the law in 2016. His very good economic record and popularity give him a significant chance of winning the first round. But, used to being elected […]

Global systemic crisis: A leap of faith

The gradual disappearance of the previous world order’s straitjackets of stability (international organisations, treaties, alliances, various regulations…) is becoming alarming. Will this alarm act as a spur or will it turn out to be a bad counsellor? That is the whole question. Certainly, we do need to change the international system (financial, monetary, democratic, of […]

Europe 2019-2024: From an agricultural crisis to a food crisis?

The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), which is supposed to guarantee food independence and food quality for all Europeans, has been in crisis for many years without the citizens seeing any simple and coherent project appearing on the horizon of their common alimentary future.[1] The issues are quite obvious however: European arable lands must produce food […]

Geopolitics / Summer 2018: A leap into the unknown… with no safety net

For the past two years, we have been witnessing the meticulous dismantling of the world order that has prevailed since 1945. Unable to adapt to new realities, this world order began to break up in 2001. However, in the last two years, the national units that make up this international system have made a decided […]

2018-2020 Financial Crisis: Turning a Dollar Rain into a Wealth Harvest

Apprehension goes hand-in-hand with financial matters. Last April, the alarmist IMF announcements predicted a huge crisis by 2020 linked to the level of global debt that ten years of ‘crisis management’ have not brought under control. Rather, US public debt has doubled in absolute terms (from $10,000 billion to $20,000 billion), the EU’s debt has […]