Home (Geo-) political anticipation: why Europe must plan ahead positively for tomorrow’s multi-polar, open and fluid world

(Geo-) political anticipation: why Europe must plan ahead positively for tomorrow’s multi-polar, open and fluid world

Where must the EU’s boundaries stop? We often hear this question, but is it still relevant? The will to eventually integrate the Ukraine in the Union is one of the origins of the current crisis with Russia. The issue of reinforcing economic ties with the Ukraine should never have been a problem, however, except that the move was made in terms of “Choose…

3rd Industrial Revolution: In 10 years, the cumbersome great banks will have disappeared
As our team constantly reminds readers, the crisis that we are currently experiencing is a systemic crisis. It is affecting and radically transforming the whole system in place, particularly its key elements such as banks, for example. In political anticipation, it’s important to position these anticipations in the short to medium term within the landscape of long-term trends…

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