So January of the famous year 2020 has come!
And with it comes our global panorama of trends and expectations. The task of presenting this is, perhaps, even harder than usual, at the dawn of a year capable of delivering the worst as well as the best, or even the worst in anticipation of the best that is yet to come…
It is a year we are placing under the auspices of Mars, the god of war, youth and violence. The trends we describe in the January issue are the small pieces that make up a mosaic map of the year we see ahead of us. We will accompany this list of trends with a focus on the global geopolitical situation in 2020, in addition of course to our usual strategic recommendations.
Despite the pessimism that is likely to be reflected in our outlook for 2020, we wish you all the best for the New Year.
Contents of this number 141 :