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Category: populism

Future Briefs: World Politics 2022 – The de-populist wave continues

As you may have noticed, the last “populists” on the planet are all in trouble. They are no longer in fashion obviously. The new generations propelled to the forefront of post-Covid shock societies do not recognise themselves in the populists. Opposition is better organised. This is what we said two months ago about Eastern Europe, […]

The decline of populism in Europe

This phenomenon of the limits being tested and rejected as ineffective is also playing a role in the difficulties encountered by Matteo Salvini and Boris Johnson in Europe, both of whom have to face a “united front” of big parties joining together to block a third big party considered to be endangering the country by […]

Bolton – World – US 2020: An American Perestroika

In line with our anticipations in 2006 regarding the fall of the second half of the bipolar system centred around Russia and the United States, the recent dismissal of Trump’s security adviser, the neo-conservative John Bolton, is in our view a historic event of the same symbolic significance as Gorbachev’s launch of perestroika[1]. By openly […]