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Peace, global governance, European integration, Middle-East, OPEC: Emerging of the multipolar world imposes a change of method

Since 2006, when the GEAB bulletin was launched, our team has placed the emerging multipolar world at the heart of the global systemic crisis. The effects of the growing relativity of the American power were the first visible signs of a vast global reconfiguration. Then, in 2009, with the creation of the BRIC(S)[1] club, the […]

Last quarter 2016: Vladimir Putin quits the Russian presidency

We are risking a bold anticipation here, but at least does it provide an interesting angle on the EU’s most important issue since 2014: the dramatically decaying relationship with its closest and most powerful neighbour, Russia. Moreover, as mentioned in our Manual of Political Anticipation, the anticipatory exercise consists of “thinking the unthinkable”… and bringing out […]

Brazil, Europe, Iran, US, Saudi Arabia – The return of national sovereignty: heading toward one ultimate stand?

For nearly 10 years now, the global systemic crisis has been composing an impressive symphonic « canon »[1] in which the financial crisis, the economic crisis, the social crisis, the political crisis, the ideological crisis and the geopolitical crisis, all of them of a global dimension, play similar melodic lines sequenced one after the other. We’ve been […]

US Elections: The end of the American democracy as we knew it

Even though it was considered a global model, at least since Tocqueville and his book Democracy in America (1835), the US democracy is currently on the verge of a major turning point. This shift seems to be the result of the total lack of updating in American politics, the self-proclaimed paragon of global democracy… (Read […]