Home Investments, trends and recommendations (Apr 2017)

GEAB 114

The monthly bulletin of LEAP (European Laboratory of Political Anticipation) - 15 Apr 2017

Investments, trends and recommendations (Apr 2017)


As part of our forecasts mentioned above on the probable reform of the common currency, we recommend people to “diversify their euros” simply by placing part of any liquid savings in euros in banks from various countries of the monetary zone. With online banks, all this is transparent, extremely quick and free of charges (for now), with no forex fees and so on. That is to say that this solution does not imply more complications than if you had your money only in one bank, but it will avoid you being caught off guard, like many Greeks have been, in case overnight “the euro of your country” is worth half of its value, or if capital check temporarily prevents you from transferring your savings elsewhere.

However, this recommendation is not urgently needed: if such a euro reform were to come into being, it would not be before two or three years, which gives you ample time to carefully choose foreign institutions to place your money in.


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This expression "chaotic recomposition" seems best to summarise the phase where we currently are with regards to the development of the crisis, a step indicated here as extending over four [...]

The financial crisis followed by the debt crisis has led to a substantial change in the mandate of the European Central Bank (ECB) and to more political provisions. The ECB [...]

In the GEAB no 109 of November 2016 we wondered if "the euro would survive beyond the year 2017". Five months later, we wish to deepen and complete our analysis. [...]

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