Home LEAP ACADEMY ANNOUNCEMENT – Training in political anticipation

GEAB 147

The monthly bulletin of LEAP (European Laboratory of Political Anticipation) - 15 Sep 2020

LEAP ACADEMY ANNOUNCEMENT – Training in political anticipation

The world is undergoing one of the greatest transformations in history, directly linked to a global crisis making the future ever more uncertain.

Whether it be governance, geopolitics, economic, social issues or new technologies, the GEAB tries to shed light on the future using a method that has stood up to scrutiny: political anticipation.

For more than 15 years, and working completely independently, our mission has been the same: make the future accessible to inform decision-makers through a more encompassing understanding of the international context, giving them the main roadmaps for the future and reliable analyses of the means needed to embark on those roadmaps.

In 2020, we want to move even further forward by giving you the key to applying the intellectual rigour of the principles of anticipation to your own daily decisions.

Understand tomorrow better to make better decisions today!

Whether you are a decision-maker, company director or ordinary citizen, we want to help you sail through the crisis by making identified changes into allies for the future.

During this online training course, you will have the opportunity to meet and discuss with different experts in political anticipation, GEAB contributors and LEAP members from various backgrounds.

Our training session will be divided into 6 workshops:

– Introduction to the political anticipation ring
– Heuristics applied to the future
– Applied research methodology
– Golden rules for demonstrating anticipation
– Scrutinising the sources for your arguments
– Map updates as the outcome of the anticipation exercise

These online webinars (on zoom) are exclusively reserved for GEAB subscribers.

Receive registration information for this training course by writing at [email protected]


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The coronavirus crisis is moving the world into the future. This is true on absolutely all fronts and it has become considerably more complicated to observe the immense societal change. [...]

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