Many of us have grown up in countries where access to water is taken for granted; where a constant and secure supply of clean water has become the norm. Safe drinking wFater is freely available ‘on tap’ whenever and wherever we need it, while huge amounts are being wasted – flushed or poured away with […]
As the virus attacks what has been viewed as the core of the Western reactor since 1945, namely America, it is propelling Europe, regenerated by twelve years of reflection, to the forefront. 2028 is the date set to start repaying the 750-billion-euro loan that the European Council is expected to authorise on 19 June. This […]
Warning: Environmentalism, or the preservation of the environment in an overpopulated world, largely deserves enlightened debate, intelligent policies and effective investments. However, we are using the word “climatism” (in the absence of a better word) in the more extreme ideological sense, where environmental preservation becomes the clothing of a war machine against rationality and liberty […]
History tends to remember the 1920s as the “roaring twenties”, dominated by joie de vivre, jazz and the Charleston. But this is the story as told by the Americans. On the European side, the population had just experienced the absolute horror of the First World War and was living through an immense post-traumatic shock, of which […]
Oil/Libya: War or US shale collapse? In Libya, General Haftar, mainly supported by the Americans, is not giving up. The reason is simple: he is acting under orders to block the oil wells of a country which is seeing its production collapsing, thus giving some support to the plunging prices of crude oil… and slowing […]
With the neologism futuritis, we wish to denote a disease of the future – a disease whose development process begins with a deficiency, followed by an eruption and ending with high fever. Future deficiency in the 2000s: The Internet was already here, as well as supranational levels of governance to be completed (the EU in […]
The above title is provocative in a media world rightly focused on ecological catastrophes, popular discontent, risks of war and the financial crisis of 2020. But our mission is not to repeat what everyone knows – that the chaotic world of the beginning of the 21st century is a dangerous place… After all, hasn’t the […]