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2025 – Asia at the centre of rare earth conflicts

Many people view digital data as the oil of the 21st century, but the natural resources required to produce it are rare earth elements. Beyond digital technology, rare earths are equally crucial for key sectors such as defense and the ecological transition. Naturally, they will be at the center of geopolitical rivalries between the major […]

Enterprise 2035: Shaping the role of the Super-Collaborator

According to Aaron Holmes[1], Microsoft is now pitching “Spend less on people”. While AI is certainly the next stage in the long process of optimising human resources in the production apparatus – enabling more to be produced with constant HR – it also means, above all, that humans are going to become increasingly valuable. We […]

Assessment of our anticipations for 2024: 74.19% success rate!

Our team is proud to present its self-evaluaiton of the 2024 trends published in January. This year we have recorded a 74.19% success rate. Several events were accurately anticipated from the start of the year: the defection of at least one of the two US presidential candidates, the dissolution of the government in France and […]

Energy, electricity, natural resources: Will the needs of AI cannibalize the needs of humanity?

At what expense? And to what end? These are two questions that should arise organically as artificial intelligence technologies are implemented. However, currently, this doesn’t seem to be the case. There is a stark contrast in attitudes among the political and economic leaders overseeing the development and deployment of AI technology. They appear to have […]

Post-ChatGPT Corporation: Accelerating the Emergence of State-Companies

Marie-Hélène Caillol, President of LEAP and author of this article, draws on the work carried out with the Real-Futur Excellence Centre of the INSEEC-MSc business school, (PERF) which she founded and which she has been leading since January 2024 on the theme of “The future of Human performance in Post-ChatGPT Corporations”. The arrival of ChatGPT […]

2030 – Artificial Intelligence in the service of Peace

While two hot controversial conflicts, Ukraine/Russia and Israel/Gaza, are setting the world ablaze on our doorstep, the primary actors involved are unwilling to engage in peace negotiations unless their adversary is completely defeated. In the case of Ukraine and Russia, this stance remains unless significant changes occur, such as the disappearance of Putin. Similarly, regarding […]

Investments, trends and recommendations (November)

Eurozone: State bankruptcies on the horizon? Stagflation, recession, rising credit costs, unemployment… the negative signals are multiplying for the eurozone economies. As the end of the year approaches, these indicators are going to hit the headlines and it is going to become increasingly complicated for governments to put on a brave face. The direct consequence […]

Editorial – 2025-2030: Fast-track Creative Destruction

Anticipation means always looking a little further ahead and striving to think the unthinkable. So, when all the signs point to destruction, to collapse, we need to remain clear-headed so as not to overlook the elements of renewal, the signs of creation. Joseph Schumpeter and his theory of creative destruction is useful in this regard. […]

Investments, trends and recommendations (July)

Artificial Intelligence: Jump on the bandwagon! After offering you several anticipations and analyses on the future challenges of AI in this issue, our team would now like to take a more practical approach to its traditional recommendations. This year’s technological breakthrough is the explosion in the number of AI tools available out there, often free […]

Space 2030: towards the end of jurisdictional sovereignty

This is one of the most serious crises facing the space sector, particularly in the West, and it will determine the future balance of powers. Already listed as one of the “reality shocks” in last year’s special GEAB (July 2022), the issue of human resources is now crucial in the general ecosystem, where we will […]

Artificial Intelligence, the Labour market, Social inequalities, Digital currency – 2027: The West introduces the universal income to save the victims of AI

From agriculture and printing press to the Internet, all technological advances have had socio-economic consequences, leading to profound changes in society. Easy access to the power of artificial intelligence will be no exception. This revolution concerns higher education graduates, who will be the first victims of the automation of work. This will increase several types […]

Editorial: When Access to Human Resources becomes a Geopolitical challenge

International relations and geopolitical tensions are fuelled by a myriad of factors, the most well-known of which is access to mineral resources and agricultural products. The microprocessor war reveals new tensions linked to the new economies.[1] Indeed, as soon as a resource essential to the smooth running of an economy becomes scarce, the framework for […]

Investments, trends and recommendations (Jun)

Gold-Yuan-Euro-Pound – Reserve value: Follow the central banks //  Crypto vs USA: War is declared! //  Cyber attacks: The worst is yet to come //  Towards an “Insurance Run”? //  Real estate: Prepare for the changeover //  Bonds are back: One investment opportunity (at least) //  __________________ Gold-Yuan-Euro-Pound – Reserve value: follow the central banks […]

Consumer revolution on the horizon: A different model will take the lead by 2025

Like many industries, the consumer sector is currently caught between technological advances and geopolitical, social and economic upheaval. Looking at the future of consumption is essential because, from necessities to entertainment, our consumption model and its links to the production model shape our everyday lives and our relationship with nature.[1] To get a glimpse of […]

Editorial – Reopening your mind with the GEAB

The world is as big as we want it to be. Our team is dedicated to exploring the world’s geopolitical balances of power and opening a window on how they might evolve. While the future is the cornerstone of our editorial line, we also place the plurality of information at the heart of our work. […]

Investments, trends and recommendations (May)

Bitcoin: Take your profits //  Oil: The war //  T-bond: Big sale //  Investment: Real water //  New Tech: Forget AI… //  __________________ Bitcoin: Take your profits We have always said that violence and technology do not mix. Bitcoin’s safe-haven status is likely to come into play in a context of geopolitical tensions, de-dollarisation and […]

Editorial – Regulation, war, ChatGPT: 2023, the cognitive collapse of the Internet

We hear a lot about the end of civilisation linked to the arrival of AI, which ChatGPT has made clear for everyone. Human beings would have no or very little added value from now on, AI would be so much more than HI… We have news from the future that is both reassuring and disturbing. […]

Investments, trends and recommendations (Jan)

Back to reality and the end of the cheap economy //  Bitcoin vs. other cryptos //  Real estate: A slump that can be taken advantage of? //  AI – Invest in your skills //  Elon Musk will most likely be the man of the year: All his companies are worth watching //  Back to reality […]