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Category: covid19

Investments, trends and recommendations (April 2020)

Businesses – Don’t expect a normal recovery in September! A growing proportion of economic and service players are aware of this, but it is worth hammering home the fact that we must anticipate that activity will not be able to resume in ex ante conditions in September. Therefore, everyone needs to take advantage of this […]

Will an ongoing price war bring us one step closer to the nationalisation 3.0 of Big Oil?

Is the US oil industry undergoing a significant shift in its relationship with its government, now accepting levels of influence or direct control that would have been unthinkable only a few months ago?  Are the large oil companies, and the supply of energy they oversee, now so important to national security that they must be […]

Health Systems and Big Data: What will a “Global Pandemic Warning System” look like?

For the past few weeks, the planet has been in a state of emergency; people are locked into their homes and the economy is in a state of hibernation. As stated in last month’s GEAB, our team sees this as part of the transition towards the “world after” and it is significant that the event […]

‘Covidian’ Geopolitics – The American lockdown

While the need for the digitalisation of the international monetary system described earlier is being reinforced by the financial crisis triggered by the pandemic, one finds in many articles on this topic the same fixed idea: allowing the world to bypass the American system of sanctions.[1] Indeed, these digital currency projects do not date back […]

Post-COVID Economy: A new monetary system establishes a new paradigm

Many people will see their dreams of radical change disappointed. Yet there will certainly be change! You don’t need to be an eminent guru to understand that the 8 trillion dollars to be injected into the world economy that the G20 leaders have announced,[1] in addition to the 250 trillion dollars of world debt accumulated […]

Society: COVID-19: ‘I-told-you-so’ crisis and social fragmentation

 “In 2020, a global pandemic called COVID-19 brought the world economy to a virtual standstill for several months. To contain the epidemic, governments had to take radical measures to contain populations, reducing activity to the essentials: health, food and certain basic services (telecommunications, water, electricity, financial systems, etc.). It was during these few weeks of […]

2008-2020: Twelve Years of Global Systemic Crisis

Since 2008, the GEAB has been talking about the ‘world after’. Now everyone is using this expression. It is therefore time to archive the ‘global systemic crisis of 2008-2020’.[1] The ‘historian of the future’ is the one who will have described what happened over this 12-year period. Now that a chapter of history is coming […]

A Historian’s view of the COVID-19 Crisis

Political anticipation is LEAP’s method of “rationalisation of the future”.[1] In fact, it is very close to the “historical method” [2] in the sense that it is accessible to all and aids the social actor in adapting to the complex world which constitutes his new environment. Because of this, its practitioners have often been defined […]