Home Vatican 2023: Transcending the Apocalypse

GEAB 153

The monthly bulletin of LEAP (European Laboratory of Political Anticipation) - 16 Mar 2021

Vatican 2023: Transcending the Apocalypse

Whether or not one believes in the prophecy of Saint Malachi, who identified Pope Francis II as Peter the Roman (the last of a line of 112 popes)[1] one thing is certain: in the inevitably very symbolic and probably somewhat superstitious universe of the seat of the Catholic Church, this kind of “anticipation”, active since the 12th century, certainly mobilises a strategic reflection capable of redefining, more or less dramatically, the Vatican’s position in the world.

Now under the reign of the “last pope” and thus at the heart of this prophecy, we look at the main camps present in this very secret world and try to get a clearer vision of the possible outcomes. This is no trivial exercise. In fact, in our systemic analysis of the crisis of a West whose origin we keep moving back (1945, Enlightenment, Italian Renaissance, Crusades…), there is no doubt that a major shock to the centre of the Catholic faith has enough to take on truly apocalyptic overtones.

A prophecy reinforced by signs from heaven

The prophecy of Malachi unfolds in a historical and symbolic context that can only reinforce the emotional charge.


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