Home Calendar of future events (May-September 2019): 28 dates that will change the world… or not

GEAB 135

The monthly bulletin of LEAP (European Laboratory of Political Anticipation) - 15 May 2019

Calendar of future events (May-September 2019): 28 dates that will change the world… or not

To be able to advance in a complex world that is in full transition, it is helpful to have a GPS system. This calendar of future events, produced every four months, is one of the many guides that GEAB offers to readers to help them navigate through the fog of the future. Here are the “28 events that will change the world… or not” over the next four months. We have summarised them in the chart below, rating each with a level of significance (from 1 to 10) and a potential to bring about change (weak, average, strong), where the nature of that change is indicated by the colour (positive in green, neutral or uncertain in black, and negative in red). This table is followed by the usual information/analyses/anticipations concerning each date. Enjoy your journey into the future!


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