Home Taylor Swift – American Elections: A generational contrast

GEAB 183

The monthly bulletin of LEAP (European Laboratory of Political Anticipation) - 15 Mar 2024

Taylor Swift – American Elections: A generational contrast

She is the muse of American youth, as well as European (and not just English-speaking) and, of course, global youth. Her videos have hundreds of millions of views, her albums have topped the box-office charts (and have done so for more than a decade), she is one of the biggest contributors to the recording industry in terms of pure album sales (physical sales and downloads, not counting streaming) (her thirteen albums have all sold more than a million copies, including Fearless with almost 7.3 million – January 2024), her tracks are listened to by tens of billions (29.1 billion listens in 2023 on Spotify), and she is the most listened-to artist in the world. She moves masterfully and seamlessly, in the colours of her Instagram profile, from one musical genre to another: country (in 2009 she was the first country artist to win an MTV Video Music Award), pop-rock, heartland rock, dubstep, dance-pop, pop, indie folk, alternative rock, electro-folk and chamber pop… Taylor Swift has become a subject of study in several universities around the world[1].


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