Home United States, Fed, T-Bonds: The US federal level will undergo a budgetary slimming regime

GEAB 116

The monthly bulletin of LEAP (European Laboratory of Political Anticipation) - 15 Jun 2017

United States, Fed, T-Bonds: The US federal level will undergo a budgetary slimming regime

The United States and Europe present striking similarities in their destinies. The way Brexit (itself a negative event) manages to free an EU paralysed by vast structural dysfunctions; Trump’s election (so traumatic for the Americans) probably provides an opportunity to redeem the country (and its partners) from a stifling allegiance system.

We have repeatedly shown to what extent Trump’s America freed Europe from a structural transatlantic link which had become archaic and had been stifling the US as much as Europe. In this article, our aim is to show that the future reopens also internally for the US, a country suffocated for too long under the burden of the anachronistic responsibilities of a master-of-the-world-America.

The legitimacy of the US Fed comes from two distinct but intertwined functions:

– on the one hand, its role as a wealth creation activator through the redistribution/investments of the created wealth (taxation in order to increase all reinvestment capacity);

– on the other hand, its role as the strategic heart of an American world order (administration of an American-centred international system). 


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