Belgium sets out ten ambitions for a path and a horizon (2030) “with the aim of contributing to Belgian and European digital sovereignty”.[1] We decided to take a quick look at this vision, because we see it as a weak signal of European ownership, on a national and supranational scale. Belgium is an influential nation within the EU and it is trying to develop a vision for the future in a strategic sector, which we can only welcome. The approach was politically innovative by setting up Digital Minds, a team made up of twenty people from civil society to advise the executive personnel on digital aspects. This was nevertheless marked by a resignation.
Dear subscribers, As the year reaches its end, everyone is reflecting on what is behind and what is being built for the future. Our team is not exempt from this [...]
"Pretty good' we would say. Here we are, after the post-Covid world, in a world that is not yet quite "post-Ukraine" but which marks a new break in the systemic [...]
If we take the geopolitics of foreign direct investment (FDI) in the loop, the map of the new multipolar world naturally comes out. Its analysis allows us to anticipate this [...]
US/Europe/World - Comparative Stabilities: America's Advantage In line with our article on the geopolitics of foreign direct investments (FDI), we must say that by using all its tools of power, [...]
Companies: Wave of bankruptcies in sight // Derivatives: 2023, on the way to a subprime giga-crisis // Dollar: Shortage in sight // Lifebuoy: Low potential of diversification // _______________ Companies: [...]