Home Editorial: Welcome to the world of Anticipolis!

GEAB 170

The monthly bulletin of LEAP (European Laboratory of Political Anticipation) - 15 Dec 2022

Editorial: Welcome to the world of Anticipolis!

Dear subscribers,

As the year reaches its end, everyone is reflecting on what is behind and what is being built for the future. Our team is not exempt from this exercise and after 17 years of writing which have produced up to this issue No. 170, more than 5,000 pages of analyses, anticipations and recommendations that we have shared with you, we open our window on and for the GEAB and its future environment.

Since its launch in 2006, the GEAB has been a unique visionary project offering a European (or European-like) view of the world’s future. A periodical and multilingual anticipation publication, available exclusively upon subscription, with a distribution on the internet only. No other media had such characteristics before. Since then, with our limited resources (and entirely thanks to you, dear subscribers), we have maintained our course of adaptation: rejuvenation of our teams as the year 2020 approached, change of horizon from 2020 to 2040, creation of an embryonic GEAB Community on LinkedIn, first interactions via the GEAB Cafés (monthly online meetings with our readers).

Without questioning our attributes (future-oriented, multilingual, Europeans in the world, original formats, economically and intellectually independent), we want to update our platform to make it a visionary project, not from the point of view of 2006 but of 2023. We are not only a media, but also a research laboratory, a training centre, a publishing house, a network of collective intelligence. Today, we are somewhat scattered and not visible enough (we believe). Our wish is to regroup these attributes under the same banner: Anticipolis, an evocative name, which is also the name of our publishing house. And we want to call on you to make this known, and to gather more widely under this banner.

Our ambition is to make our community more dynamic and thus to increase interaction with our subscribers by creating a club (hub), which would offer easier access to our various services (training, events, publications, research, anticipation community). This is why we are sending you this questionnaire. Its purpose is to clarify the expectations of our network, to allow everyone to get involved in the way they wish and to bring their own skills and knowledge to serve this ambition.

We are proud to have built (through our past commitments) an international and multi-sectoral network of readers with a strong future orientation. We take the chance to turn this into a model of creativity, both local (an online platform) and global (driven by an international network), capable of imagining original and visionary ways of understanding the future.

Join us to give this initiative a new dimension. Depending on your answers to this questionnaire and your desired level of involvement, we will then contact you to tell you more.

We thank you for your support, trust and contributions. Together with all the members of our team, I wish you merry holidays.

Jordi Lafon-Lacaze, Editor-in-Chief


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