Home 2025: A Fragmented Europe implodes under the pressure of War

GEAB 183

The monthly bulletin of LEAP (European Laboratory of Political Anticipation) - 15 Mar 2024

2025: A Fragmented Europe implodes under the pressure of War

Impossible relaunch of the European defence industry, political and social confrontations, strategic disagreements, diplomatic differences…

“Until now, Europe has been built out of crises”. This has been a historically verifiable motto. The conflict in Ukraine, however, will be the crisis that proves this motto wrong, and even brings the edifice crashing down on itself. The global systemic crisis has permeated and destabilised the European institutions for over fifteen years. Until now, they have managed to resist as best they could by speeding up their development and masking their shortcomings, starting with the lack of democratisation, and by sweeping under the carpet the divisions that weaken them. These divisions and shortcomings are exacerbated by the war in Ukraine, which is causing legitimate outbursts at all levels, but which are not bouncing back in the same direction.


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© Kerozen Concept (AI generated image) Will the European project survive the Orwellian moment in which it finds itself entangled? The European Union, long asserting itself as the sole guarantor [...]

More than 30,000 civilians have been killed in the ongoing Israeli attack on Gaza, yet every ceasefire resolution at the UN Security Council continues to be blocked by US veto, [...]

While two hot controversial conflicts, Ukraine/Russia and Israel/Gaza, are setting the world ablaze on our doorstep, the primary actors involved are unwilling to engage in peace negotiations unless their adversary [...]

She is the muse of American youth, as well as European (and not just English-speaking) and, of course, global youth. Her videos have hundreds of millions of views, her albums [...]

War has a long future ahead of it In line with our article on Europe and Ukraine, we believe that the defence industry has a long and bright future ahead. [...]

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