Home Investments, trends and recommendations (Nov 2017)

GEAB 119

The monthly bulletin of LEAP (European Laboratory of Political Anticipation) - 15 Nov 2017

Investments, trends and recommendations (Nov 2017)

Strategic recommendation: remain covered

Even though this GEAB bulletin is optimistic and sees the end of the transition tunnel focused on peace in the Middle East, we shall keep our warning of the last two months: remain covered until the end of the year! We are in the middle of a global geopolitical reconfiguration era, and the risks of manoeuvre spinout are very high. So, even if you see gold going down, do not sell right now, keep your safe haven a bit longer in your investment portfolio. But get ready to move on those future values ​​of the up-coming world after.

Bitcoin: bye bye! 

The star of the e-currencies has been on a roller-coaster ride lately. But so far, smart (and lucky) speculators have been able to take advantage of these dizzying ups and downs, as well as of the considerable trend appreciation. But what happens to Bitcoins nowadays is more serious. Indeed, the bitcoin community, whose decentralised nature did not allow to opt for a currency modernisation, particularly regarding the massification potential, has ended up generating competition (fork), the Bitcoin Cash, which looks like the brand new super Bitcoin. We strongly recommend that you bet on this new “option”, incompatible with the first one because of its size (eight times stronger), by separating the transaction activities and the more centralised e-gold status (flaw for the people, but quality for the states); also, it is coming from China with 1.5 billion potential users[1]


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