Home Investments, trends and recommendations (apr)

GEAB 184

The monthly bulletin of LEAP (European Laboratory of Political Anticipation) - 15 Apr 2024

Investments, trends and recommendations (apr)

Bitcoin halving, very short-term positioning

Following on from our article on the recovery of Bitcoin by the United States, we recommend that you continue to position yourself for the very short term. Although in the long term, as demonstrated in the article, the United States could take an extreme position on the complete recovery of Bitcoin, its value should not suffer as a result – quite the contrary! In the very short term at least, a halving is scheduled for the end of the month (around 18 or 19 April, depending on the source). Occurring every four years, this halving of the returns obtained by miners has an impact on the value of the cryptocurrency, which has historically risen[1].

Bitcoin mining, medium-term positioning


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© Kerozen Concept (AI generated image) In a world where upheavals are occurring with increasing frequency, it's easy to value the constants. The American presidential elections are always a thrilling soap opera. [...]

The decline of the United States' power in recent years has been widely acknowledged. Our team, in this bulletin, was among the first to extensively discuss the emergence of a [...]

The debate over whether the heads of the largest US technology companies or successive US Presidents wield the most power has persisted for many years. While the ascendance of the [...]

In its counter-attack, the American e-Empire cannot ignore its chosen weapon: the dollar. It is impossible to reinvent American power and its domination of the global system without reinventing the [...]

Marie-Hélène Caillol, President of LEAP and author of this article, draws on the work carried out with the Real-Futur Excellence Centre of the INSEEC-MSc business school, (PERF) which she founded [...]

While two elections capture the world's attention - the European elections in June and the US presidential election on 5 November - there are other elections on the international calendar [...]

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