Home Strong trend: The increasing resistance to progress

GEAB 136

The monthly bulletin of LEAP (European Laboratory of Political Anticipation) - 15 Jun 2019

Strong trend: The increasing resistance to progress

Under the impetuous blows of the global systemic crisis, the automatic pilot system (technocracy), that determined our direction and cruising speed until 2008, is gradually coming to an end. The all-economic – or, rather, the all-techno finance – has begun to give way to politicians that are struggling to take charge in order to bring about the reforms that administrations have not been able to instigate (remember that the administrations are in charge of stability while politicians are required to enable systems to adapt to changes in reality). As we have often pointed out, the “populist” wave that is currently sweeping the world corresponds exactly with the above-mentioned trend. Despite the differences in initiatives and style, that wave is being built as much by Bolsonaro as by Macron, Salvini, Putin, Trump, Modi or Xi. In each case, the Establishment, confronted with the limits of its effectiveness and the increasingly threatening rumblings of the population, has enabled politicians to embody power, to re-establish themselves in the so-called will of the people and, on the strength of this legitimacy, to bring about the necessary reforms.


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