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Category: world

2023-2025: The throes of the disappearance of the dollar as an international currency

For almost 20 years we have been anticipating a revolution in the international monetary system and in particular the emancipation of the global economy from the trade vehicle of the 20th century, the dollar.[1] Apparently, nothing has happened, the reason being that no one had any interest in the dollar disappearing overnight. So, the whole […]

Calendar of future events – a special focus on elections 2023/2024

We are not going to draw up a calendar of all the elections, but of those which seem to us to be the most significant. In 2023, for example, ten African states will hold national elections: Democratic Republic of Congo, Gabon, Liberia, Libya (if they are not postponed again), Madagascar, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, […]

2023-2025: The great Western innovation bug

The exponential nature of the pace of innovation of all kinds is increasingly terrifying the Western human collective. Between frightened looks at the future, growing difficulties in adapting to change, and the staggering cost of transformations and their maintenance (starting with cybersecurity), the West will gradually take the word “innovation” with horror. In recent decades, […]

May-June 2024, Modi’s re-election? A not so easy path for India…

We continue our focus on India with this brief on the 2024 elections. The 543 Members of Parliament representing the 28 states + the 8 Indian territories will be elected. In 2024 Narendra Modi, then 74 years old, will have been at the head of the Indian government for 10 years and will be running […]

Will India be the tomb of the Western economy?

We anticipate that Narendra Modi’s Make in India strategy, fueled by the Anglo-Saxon anti-China strategy, will attract a good number of companies that will remain there – in all senses of the word. In line with our previous article on India, it is appropriate to warn our readers against the “Indian temptation” that is likely […]

Ukraine in Europe 2023: The Unsustainability of the European Pyramid

Ukrainian refugees now live in Europe under a special status called temporary protection, modelled after a similar status created by the US at the end of the Cold War. While this status offers them privileged benefits, it also exacerbates the difficulties Europe faces, which we illustrate with a deep dive into the German situation. This […]

Reader’s view on the future: “Humans will lose some of what they’ve had in order to move on to something else”

We are inaugurating with Marie Poisson this new section “Reader’s view on the Future“. Marie’s life is an atypical journey, as she lives on her boat in Thailand. She used to be an antique dealer in Paris and, at the same time, she had set up a computer maintenance company. She changed her life to […]

2024-Ramaphosa is re-elected as coalition President: En route to the African Continental Free Trade Area

Article written by Michael Kahn, an independent adviser on innovation anticipation, policy, monitoring and evaluation. Professor Kahn is honorary Research Fellow at Stellenbosch University and Professor of Practice in the University of Johannesburg, He works with governments, the multilateral organisations, NGOs and higher education. His most recent publications are the UNESCO GO-SPIN Report for Mozambique, a […]

2024 – Summit of the Future: Last chance for the United Nations, the last Western bastion of an ex-bipolar world

It was agreed in September 2020 that the UN will mark its 75th anniversary with a Summit of the Future, an event to be held at the end of 2024. The stakes are historic: to provide a supranational political framework for the multipolar world, which is currently settling in a chaotic manner due to the […]

A Panorama of weak signals

US/Europe/World – Comparative Stabilities: America’s Advantage In line with our article on the geopolitics of foreign direct investments (FDI), we must say that by using all its tools of power, the United States is currently succeeding in reversing the process of tilting the transatlantic relationship in favour of the EU, something we spotted in 2019 […]

Assessment of our anticipations for 2022: 76.5% success rate

“Pretty good’ we would say. Here we are, after the post-Covid world, in a world that is not yet quite “post-Ukraine” but which marks a new break in the systemic organisation of the world order. An order that is divided into two camps: Western, essentially Europe (the EU enlarged to the wishes of the imperialist […]

Panorama: It’s time for the emerging markets

As expected, with the mid-terms soon behind us, the Fed is starting to prepare for a slowdown in monetary tightening in December.[1] Goldman Sachs is trying to make it look like inflation will fall in 2023[2] – presumably to encourage the Fed to slow down. Again, the tightening of rates only has a marginal effect […]

What will be left of Europe when its consumer market disappears

(open letter to European Atlanticists) NATO and Atlanticist circles are shamelessly crowing about the superb unity displayed by the Allied camp “thanks” to the suffering in Ukraine[1] : “Who would have thought that a war would be a rebirth of the Alliance from its brain death noted by the French president a year ago?” the Atlanticists […]

End-2022 – The signing of the Armenian-Azerbaijani peace agreement ushers in a new future for the South Caucasus

The Ukrainian crisis is currently allowing many countries to advance their pawns. Turkey, in partnership with Israel and at the forefront of these actors, is inventing the future of the Caucasus and East Asia in the wake of the huge breakthrough named “Abraham Accords”. A major step towards stabilising the region is in sight with […]

Editorial: 2023-2030 – Terminal phase of the ‘boring’ apocalypse

The tangle of all the crises in the making is reaching such an intensity that it is hard to believe that a major rupture will not occur by the end of the year. Not to mention wars and other conflicts,[1] inflation,[2] shortages,[3] unprecedented widespread impoverishment,[4] “hurricane of famines”,[5] natural disasters,[6] drought,[7] blackouts,[8]… if it is […]

New world monetary order: clash of blocs and multiplication of tools in sight

All the conditions are in place for the shift towards a new world monetary order. The terrible geopolitical and strategic circumstances resulting from the war in Ukraine are completing the rupture between two blocs: the West (gathered around the United States) on the one hand, and the Sino-Russian (gathered around the Eurasian Union EAEU[1] and […]

Editorial : Beauty will save the world

This issue 165 is an important step in the history of the GEAB as it breaks with the sacrosanct tradition of anonymity of the articles, until now always collectively signed by the “LEAP team”. In this world-after which is moving in all directions, we feel that a publication on the future should now include a […]

Calendar of the future (April-September): The world keeps turning…

In these times of crisis, it is difficult to follow a calendar of the future, as international and national agendas are so overwhelmed by fresh news. On the one hand, the Ukrainian crisis is cutting off all meetings, mainly on the American and European sides, whose agendas are jostling for solutions at summits and crisis […]