While economic conglomerates may be on the decline worldwide, they remain the dominant force for foreign investment in Africa. This overview highlights the most influential structures on the continent, revealing the power strategies and economic confrontations that lie ahead.
In our last GEAB issue, we showed that Africa is the major pole of resistance to global demographic decline, thanks to very high fertility rates[1]. This African exception is reflected in high growth rates compared with the rest of the world, and in the need for funds to continue developing[2], characteristics that make it a central location for foreign investment. This dynamic has always attracted economic powers, first from the West, then from Asia, mainly China, which has been present for more than a decade and finances port, rail and production infrastructures[3], India for even longer, which considers Africa to be its “brother continent”[4] and the Arab world, which has just celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA)[5].
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