Home American Democracy: Towards some Healthy Questioning… and a Government of National Unity

GEAB 148

The monthly bulletin of LEAP (European Laboratory of Political Anticipation) - 15 Oct 2020

American Democracy: Towards some Healthy Questioning… and a Government of National Unity

Everyone knows that democracy in general is sick. Nevertheless, the West continues to base the legitimacy of its world ‘leadership’ on this supposed civilisational superiority.

In the 1990s, the wars fought in the Middle East in the name of ‘democracy’ stirred hatred towards this fine principle,[1] contributing to a decline in its attractiveness. But the situation has changed again: the West is less and less a credible representative of democracy. The violent, uncivil and/or depoliticised societies it presents to the world are no longer very good selling points for the mechanism allegedly at work behind this chaos, namely the democratic model. In order to save the principle, the model needs to be revised.

… starting by affirming that democracy and chaos do not go hand in hand, quite the contrary: democracy is a tool for social order. But, in doing so, the West will then have to agree that the dilapidated state of its societies is indeed an indication of its political (and therefore democratic) model decaying and that it needs to stop handing out lessons to everyone on the topic. 


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