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Editorial: 150th Dive to the Depths of the Future

One hundred and fifty issues of the GEAB is also 15 years and some 4,000 pages spent tracking the future, imagining the subterfuges by which it will impose itself, anticipating the crises that it will provoke and spotting any sense of coherence and system in this endless process of replacing the present with the future. […]

Investments, trends and recommendations (Nov 2020)

Material wealth: give nothing away Tomorrow’s world will be digital, that’s for sure. But not before it has been regulated, organised and controlled. As things stand today, there are too many dangers hanging over this ecosystem – soon to materialise, as we see in this issue – for us to entrust our goods and wealth […]

Mid-November: International Summits Congestion

In the week we publish GEAB there are some very big events that we have to bring to your attention: 12-16 November: ASEAN summit / Vietnam. The debates focus on the immense risks that US-Chinese tensions pose to the region. 13 November: G20 / Saudi Arabia.  The indebted countries of the G20 agree to lift […]

2030 – The Amazon Risk and the Need to Rethink the Current Agricultural Model of the Americas

The Amazon is at risk of dying. We have known that for decades, but recent studies and political events have shown that the demise of the Amazonian rainforest is much quicker than previously thought. Paradoxically, the sector that most threatens the survival of the Amazon rainforest – agriculture – is also the one that will […]

Financial Markets in Turmoil, Endemic Violence, Stabilisation Needed: What Will the Next Catastrophe Be?

Even though the world is still counting its Covid deaths and assessing the consequences of this crisis onto its financial markets, economy and society, perhaps it is already time to wonder whether a second rogue wave is not already forming on the horizon, ready to sweep away the old Western socio-economic model next year. Contrary […]

First Steps in the Cyberjungle…

With this article, the LEAP team opens up to a still little-known dimension of the 21st century: the cyber-world, where a society is developing, interacting and operating outside of any legal framework, with very real impacts on our lives. Just as opening up to digital currencies has led us to exciting anticipations about the paths […]

Covid, NATO, Migrants… Flashback to all European crises

As the media heralds the Democrat candidate’s victory in the US presidential election, Europe is going through another of the great hallucinations that we described last month in the GEAB: “Under Biden, America is back and the world is saved!” And the good news is piling up, starting with the discovery of a miracle vaccine by […]

Investments, trends and recommendations (Oct 2020)

Recommendations: Treasure hunt This issue is packed with investment recommendations. Car sector, raw materials, technology stocks… we suggest you read it carefully then go on a treasure hunt! Samsung: Temporary mistrust The current economic and strategic rapprochement between the Chinese and South Korean leaders[1] makes us fear American reprisals. One can imagine that it will […]

Commodities: Towards an unsustainable volatility…

For the last 20 years, the international prices of many commodities have been set within a framework of globally recognised futures and spot contracts. Today, as many contracts detach from the delivery of the underlying physical commodity, volatility is surging on the back of QE and a host of new retail speculators have entered the […]

Horizon 2030 – Re-Imagining Vehicles to Combine Private Cars and Public Transportation

In a period of uncertainty and with the morose predictions that have constantly plagued it over the last ten years, the European car industry has undoubtedly taken advantage of the covid crisis to take a more wholesome route. In spite of a severe indictment, what with the saturation of urban spaces, environmental problems, unacceptable dangers […]

2021 – Galileo and the United Kingdom: (A Slight) Breturn

The United Kingdom has not been in the EU since January 2020. As a result, it has been cut off from access to the European GPS system, Galileo, which it had previously been a major contributor both in terms of science and money. Since 31 December, the British army no longer has access to the […]

American Democracy: Towards some Healthy Questioning… and a Government of National Unity

Everyone knows that democracy in general is sick. Nevertheless, the West continues to base the legitimacy of its world ‘leadership’ on this supposed civilisational superiority. In the 1990s, the wars fought in the Middle East in the name of ‘democracy’ stirred hatred towards this fine principle,[1] contributing to a decline in its attractiveness. But the […]

US Tempted by Petroyuan

Remember! Back in 2017 we anticipated that Saudi Arabia would soon be selling its oil in yuan? This was a highly provocative hypothesis at the time, since the country was then one of the two pillars of the petrodollar system.[1] Two years later, it became clear that export flows of Saudi oil were making a […]

New-Tech – U-Turn!

Back to reality all round. And if there is one area that has been seized by acute “virtualisation” in the last decade, it is technology companies. They have found themselves at the heart of a collective fantasy of the transmuting human being into bits and digits. Without calling into question the strong trend to digitalise […]

Global Systemic Crisis: Impending Return to Reality

For 12 years, the West has been struggling to understand the message of the 2008 crisis: “You are no longer the only ones on the planet!” The dollar, international organisations dominated by the West, Western-centric financial markets, trade flows focused on Europe and the US,… the fantastic global trade network set up during the first […]

Investments, trends and recommendations (Sept 2020)

Commodity markets’ upcoming revolution Growing trade conflicts and de-globalisation within the commodity markets will trigger a rewrite of many COMEX pricing contracts and a resurgence in regional exchanges by 2025. For the last 20 years, the international pricing of key commodities has been driven by the growing market in futures contracts. Today, as many prices […]

LEAP ACADEMY ANNOUNCEMENT – Training in political anticipation

The world is undergoing one of the greatest transformations in history, directly linked to a global crisis making the future ever more uncertain. Whether it be governance, geopolitics, economic, social issues or new technologies, the GEAB tries to shed light on the future using a method that has stood up to scrutiny: political anticipation. For […]

Looking Ahead to 2040: From Fear of Panzootics to Agricultural Lockdown

The Covid-19 pandemic has considerably ramped up the fear in the agro-food sector of an epizootic/epiphytic pandemic on strategic foodstuffs (pork, rice, flour, etc.). The conditions that favour human, vegetable or animal-related pandemic are actually the same, namely overpopulation and interconnectivity. We anticipate that the scheduled modernisation of agriculture will be considerably accelerated as a […]