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End of the US government control of ICANN: Towards the privatisation of internet control agencies

Both in the United States and around the world, this news has been making some noise: since October the 1st, the internet is finally “free from US tutelage.” Is it, indeed? It is true that a decisive step has just been reached, since the ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), a central internet […]

France 2017: What can we hope from the presidential election? – Criteria and tips

In short, the answer is, not much. But let’s elaborate! As our team noted in the September issue, Brexit unleashed a large potential to reorganise Europe with, as it happens in transitions, huge opportunities but also great dangers. But citizens of several countries at the heart of Europe find themselves stuck in unnecessary and dysfunctional […]

Regional economic unions (2016-2017): Between Apparent Failure and Underlying Recovery

It seems that everything is going wrong for regional integrations. South America’s MERCOSUR trading bloc has completely stopped functioning, due to the marginalisation of Venezuela which currently holds the presidency of the Common Market, but that no one is following anymore. Another alliance currently chaired by Venezuela, the much less known NAM (Non-Aligned Movement), is […]

2016-2020 – Birth of global governance alongside the emergence of a new currency: new SDR paves the way to Globalisation and impacts the American dollar

The world has been seeking a substitute for its reliance on the dollar since 2008. The dependency has been so strong, that it has taken almost a decade for a solution to be drafted. Strangely, this solution came from an institution perceived by some as obsolete, until China took the trouble to bring it back […]

American Election – Brexit – Euroland – TTIP – Turkey – Russian Sanctions: What future is there for the European Commission within the big redefinition of the Transatlantic Relationship?

Since its creation, the Global Europe Anticipation Bulletin has been designed among other things to inform European public opinion and decision makers about the fact that the global geopolitical reconfiguration vitally requires a profound change of the EU. The United States, structural associate of the European project since its origin – but mostly since the […]

Insurance sector: Questioning of the economic model

Everyone remembers the images picturing floods, hail storms, mudslides, tornadoes and other disasters that have swept Europe, Germany, France, and Belgium recently, but also those of other continents (America, Australia, and Canada, where huge fires are still raging in Alberta). The estimated damage is reported to be in billions of Euros: 1.4 billion estimated in […]

US elections: the detonator of the ultimate phase of the economic and financial American crisis

This month we analyze the impact of the US presidential campaign on the way the American economic and financial situations are perceived. We all know that reality is a matter of perception. Our readers have probably noticed that recently we have spoken less frequently of the US economy in our bulletins. The reason is simple: […]

Angry nations, democratic challenges, global systemic crisis – Balkanization and returning empires in Central and Eastern Europe: the drama of the failure of European integration and of the Euro-Russian crisis

In 2014, our team anticipated the disintegration of the Eastern European flank following the conflict between the EU and Russia. Two years later, the damage has become visible. If Europe and Russia fail to renew any dialogue, the worst is yet to come in this part of Europe, a region where old demons are in […]

Peace, global governance, European integration, Middle-East, OPEC: Emerging of the multipolar world imposes a change of method

Since 2006, when the GEAB bulletin was launched, our team has placed the emerging multipolar world at the heart of the global systemic crisis. The effects of the growing relativity of the American power were the first visible signs of a vast global reconfiguration. Then, in 2009, with the creation of the BRIC(S)[1] club, the […]

USA 2017 – Independence is the right path for Puerto Rico

As part of our series of articles on the United States, knowing the elections are almost here, and deep socio-political changes are most probably on the way in this country, we will dedicate some time to study what the crisis in Puerto Rico says about the solidarity of the US union system. We will show […]

Last quarter 2016: Vladimir Putin quits the Russian presidency

We are risking a bold anticipation here, but at least does it provide an interesting angle on the EU’s most important issue since 2014: the dramatically decaying relationship with its closest and most powerful neighbour, Russia. Moreover, as mentioned in our Manual of Political Anticipation, the anticipatory exercise consists of “thinking the unthinkable”… and bringing out […]

European construction industry: Frustrating dreams of grandeur and retreat

Who will benefit from the striking perspectives offered by the construction market in emerging countries? If we had to trust the forecasts, the period 2020-2030 will be the new golden age of the construction and civil engineering companies… (read more in the GEAB 104) Western real estate: a market of contrasts We have already pointed […]

Brazil, Europe, Iran, US, Saudi Arabia – The return of national sovereignty: heading toward one ultimate stand?

For nearly 10 years now, the global systemic crisis has been composing an impressive symphonic « canon »[1] in which the financial crisis, the economic crisis, the social crisis, the political crisis, the ideological crisis and the geopolitical crisis, all of them of a global dimension, play similar melodic lines sequenced one after the other. We’ve been […]

US Elections: The end of the American democracy as we knew it

Even though it was considered a global model, at least since Tocqueville and his book Democracy in America (1835), the US democracy is currently on the verge of a major turning point. This shift seems to be the result of the total lack of updating in American politics, the self-proclaimed paragon of global democracy… (Read […]

2015: record des investissements chinois en Europe et aux USA

Toujours soucieux de diversifier leurs actifs, les groupes chinois ont multiplié en 2015 leurs opérations de croissance externe en Europe et aux Etats-Unis. L’an dernier, les Chinois ont investi 23 milliards de dollars en Europe (20,5 milliards d’euros) et 17 milliards de dollars aux Etats-Unis (15,2 milliards d’euros), les investissements chinois ayant été pour la […]

City of London, 2020: A small financial platform on the outskirts of the European continent

The city of London used to be an exceptional financial centre, by far the foremost in the world, a position it had owned for generations. Nevertheless, being attacked from all sides, it attempted with great effort to defend itself and demonstrated imagination and extensive accessibility but yet, eight years after the beginning of the global […]

Internet, artificial intelligence, robotics: 2040, from human enhancement to human … obsolescence?

The political anticipation method applied by the GEAB reveals that long-term trends are strong undercurrents on which short-term trends usually evolve. So, when our team commits to primarily anticipate phases of the crisis on the horizon in several years, it takes into serious consideration these structural macro-trends. Nuclear Energy – Spring 2017: the EU’s first […]

NATO, central banks, migrant crisis, TTIP, technologies … Western elites in panic mode for a future in the form of a question mark

Considering the barrage of change indicators, our GEAB team currently feels like they don’t know where to start in order to provide a coherent and complete picture of the crisis. Yet, this feeling is probably nothing compared to what our leaders and their advisers experience. A sense of loss of control of the flow of […]