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A new technological revolution is brewing with the quantum computer

After the agricultural revolution of the 18th century, the industrial revolution of the 19th century and the Internet revolution of the 20th century, is a new revolution is being born with the emergence of quantum computers? In the era of the Internet and the massive interconnection of our planet’s billions of people representing 1 billion […]

EU/UK/US – Union, Dislocation, Reinvention: The Great Systemic Transformation of the West

  For the fourth consecutive month, accompanied by all the usual precautions, our team continues to believe that the crisis’ peak is now behind us. It’s clear that two photos taken five minutes before and five minutes after this peak can be identical. On the other hand the film isn’t comparable; it’s that the perspective […]

Summer 2015: from the end of the Greek crisis to new geopolitics in the Eastern Mediterranean

Excerpt : GEAB 94 / Apr 2015 The Greek crisis is about to end… and it won’t be a European cheque which saves it but the fact that Greece is about to find the money to pay off its debt itself. Russia? The US? … Lack of political will to save Greece Since 2009 the […]

Latin America 2020 : Get rid of the last links inherited from the 20th century so as to calmly take its place in the 21st century’s multi-polar world

After a golden decade when Latin America finally seemed to take off towards prosperity under its own steam, the panorama has suddenly darkened in a few weeks…  « New Silk Road »: A Chinese-style New Deal Historians will remember that the Chinese President Xi Jinping officially launched the new “Silk Road” with a 30 minute speech at […]

2015 – The global crash won’t happen

We could have also headed our article : “No, the inflating of the Chinese stock exchanges isn’t a bubble”. The Shanghai stock exchange’s exuberant 100% increase in one year is certainly frightening, but it reflects a real dynamic (or rather a correction) of the country’s economic development. One really has to wonder how real money […]

Insight – U.S. public companies seek bankruptcy at fastest first-quarter rate since 2010

The number of bankruptcies among publicly traded U.S. companies has climbed to the highest first-quarter level for five years, according to a Reuters analysis of data from research firm bankruptcompanynews.com.     Plunging prices of crude oil and other commodities is one of the major reasons for the increased filings, and bankruptcy experts said a more aggressive stance by […]

Ça sent le roussi pour Rousseff

La présidente brésilienne est fragilisée par les manifestations monstres de dimanche, qui dénonçaient la corruption gangrenant son parti. Laborieusement réélue à la tête du Brésil en octobre, Dilma Rousseff (Parti des travailleurs, PT) parviendra-t-elle à achever son mandat ? La question n’est plus taboue depuis la mobilisation sans précédent de dimanche, quand 900 000 à 1,7 million de manifestants, selon les […]

Real estate: watch your step

The various quantitative easings, or other political stimuli and support for real estate, have prevented real estate prices to collapse as they should have done in the turmoil of the global systemic crisis. We say: “as they should have done”, because it was the only way of finally balancing delusional bubbles… Investments, trends and recommendations […]

(Geo-) political anticipation: why Europe must plan ahead positively for tomorrow’s multi-polar, open and fluid world

Where must the EU’s boundaries stop? We often hear this question, but is it still relevant? The will to eventually integrate the Ukraine in the Union is one of the origins of the current crisis with Russia. The issue of reinforcing economic ties with the Ukraine should never have been a problem, however, except that […]

2015 – Media, finance, oil system, military-industrial complex, QE : the narratives war

In the chaos that characterizes any crisis, explanations increase as so many attempts to impose their vision of the world where the stake is world domination. The chaotic “gap[1] » opened by a crisis is also a narrative war zone whose winners will be either the strongest (for a short period of time), or the most […]

Investments, trends and recommendations

. Invest in expanding one’s business on the Internet . And if the time of public investment returned… . A profession of the future: deconstruction . Digital currencies based on gold We never overestimate enough the magnitude and importance of the internet revolution – that some even call the third industrial revolution. Whether it is […]

QE – Europe, world finance’s new tractor

Whilst the US economy is off again at full speed without the Fed’s help, Europe is in such bad shape that it needs unprecedented quantitative easing by the ECB. That’s what one reads, in essence, in the majority of the media. But nothing is further from the truth. Here, we will endeavour to show on […]

NATO, QE, Siriza, the Ukraine, Israel: Highways towards « tomorrow’s world » on the horizon

The terrible 2014 Ukrainian crisis should be understood as an absolute limit beyond which the “world before” disappears no matter what. It will either disappear in the chaos and radicalization of the system which, in doing so, will cease to be itself, or it will disappear by opening up to the new characteristics of the […]

Merkel’s Unintended Creation: Could Tsipras’ Win Upset Balance of Power in Europe?

Alexis Tsipras couldn’t have picked a more symbolic place to show his voters that he is a prime minister like no other Greece has seen before — — and that he is truly serious about standing up to the Germans. On Monday, right after he was sworn in, he was chauffeured in his sedan to […]

Oil Crisis – Weathering the storm, eliminating competitors

In our December issue, we extensively outlined the consequences of the rapid fall in the price of oil. All oil producers, countries and companies are in survival mode now. The only way to survive is to weather the storm and eliminate competitors… Investments, trends and recommendations . 2015 Omni-dimensional crisis: protecting oneself in stormy weather […]

Geopolitics, democracy, finance, Greece, Russia, China… 26 key trends for 2015

2014 was dominated by the Ukrainian crisis that overshadowed the many advances made in changing the world. 2015 is likely to be full of these kinds of events, proved this January with the terrorist attack against a French satirical newspaper and the management of the subsequent crisis…

First half of 2015 – Oil, the Middle East, Charlie Hebdo… Last resilience tests of the Western “model”: commit suicide or adapt

In the absence of a Europe able to indicate the true ways of the future[1], the « world before »[2] is hardening, locked into its “serious thinking” ideologies (ideologies are always “serious thinking”, moreover) and repeat the recipes of the past ad nauseam. In doing so, the “world afterwards” is finding itself transformed: it will be […]

Evaluation of our anticipations for 2014 (from GEAB N° 81 in January 2014): a 69% success rate

The evaluation exercise of our anticipations is particularly useful and interesting this time. It highlights the exceptional nature of the year’s events, particularly the Ukrainian crisis, because all the “up” trends for constructing the world afterwards have been delayed by this serious crisis and Europeans’ incapacity to act in their interests…