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2015 – new phase of the crisis: the oil systemic crisis

The impact of speculation Price War Systemic oil crisis and finance Systemic oil crisis and geopolitics

Investments, trends and recommendations

Oil: beware! Energy intensive industries like airline companies Renewable energy: the good and the bad 2015: Euro & Yen rebound Gold: still safe

Global systemic crisis 2015 – Oil, currencies, finance, societies, the Middle East : Massive storm in the Western port!

For almost two years, by combining various points of view (speculative, geopolitical, technological, economic, strategic and monetary…), we have continued to anticipate a major crisis in the entire oil sector. Today, no one doubts the fact that we are actually at that point, and the GEAB must therefore anticipate the consequences of this veritable atomic […]

Roundup remarks and results

For the third consecutive month, the survey results have just confirmed the feeling of acute distrust towards European institutions and the elite and, conversely, that of strong confidence in the monetary system (the Euro) and financial (banks)  …

The curtain is rising on the shale oil scam

Revolution or scam? Fracking and covering the tracks From a global petrodollar market to a closed Western petrodollar submarket The oil industry crisis2015 : major risk in the oil markets 2015 : major risk in the oil markets

Decoding: The flow of money

The carry-trade Easy profit… … risky profit Emerging markets Japan and Europe as the saviors of the Dollar Consequences Investments, trends and recommendations Currencies Oil

Global systemic crisis 2015 – Future dynamics cause Europe distance itself from the warlike rationale of the Occidental camp

Since 2006, the GEAB has analyzed the development and anticipated the next steps of what our teams have called, from the beginning, a “global systemic crisis”. No one can doubt the fact that we have really been in a “crisis” since 2008. That this “crisis” is “global” is also commonly accepted. But has the world […]

Résultats, analyse et remarques transversales, octobre 2014

La poussière met du temps à retomber … S’abonner

Global systemic crisis – 2015: The world is defecting to the East

Two important facts emerge from the past four weeks’ news. First, China is becoming the world’s largest economic power, officially overtaking the US, based on GDP measured in purchasing power terms (IMF figures) of $17.61 trillion (compared to $17.4 trillion for the US). If the official media hasn’t raised the slightest eyebrow to this information, […]

The world afterwards: towards a BRICS gold-backed multicurrency system

– The remains of Bretton Woods – The US and Europe out of the game – Gold’s return – The BRICS currency project Investments, trends and recommendations Currencies: on the move again ! Gold: return to reality Oil and the petrodollar: the risks are becoming clear

Europe 2020 – Community or empire?

This title is inspired by Franck Biancheri first book (unpublished) written in 1992 and in which the author showed that the founding principles of the European project conceived at the end of the Second World War (a community of countries giving themselves the means to jointly build a lasting peace and a prosperous continent) could, […]

Global systemic crisis – The Major Global Geopolitical Reconfiguration

Last month our team anticipated that the Ukrainian crisis would provide the conditions for a jolt[1]. Due to lack of space and because this jolt is much more evident in the rest of the world, we tried to identify the reasons for this jolt to only from a European perspective. But this month we are […]

Crise du leadership européen : la crise ukrainienne réunit les conditions pour un sursaut salvateur en Europe

Après deux numéros volontairement alarmistes, notre équipe souhaite reprendre le cours de ses anticipations positives. Non pas que l’Europe soit sortie d’affaire, mais l’Anticipation Politique (1) telle que conçue par son inventeur, Franck Biancheri, en affirmant que l’homme est acteur de son destin pourvu qu’il se donne les moyens de bien comprendre les tendances à […]

Political, economic and military consequences of the US mid-term election: Towards an aggravation of US leadership weaknesses

The recent choice by American voters, who have violently rejected the policy followed for six years, is nothing other than a loud cry for help. As much as Iraq, the economic and social questions, and the rejection of corruption in Washington, determined the choice of the voters. This question of corruption is a significant indicator […]

December 2006 – Dollar-Real Estate-Stock Markets: US consumer’s insolvency, a catalyst of the impact phase of the global systemic crisis

The American mid-term elections have now passed and, only a week later, as announced by LEAP/E2020 in GEAB N°8 of last October 15, the “euphorisation” of US voters/consumers and world financial players seems to have already passed wit them. The development process of the global systemic crisis has resumed its course, artificially stopped last July […]

November 2006: beginning of the phase of impact of the global systemic crisis

Last May, in the Global Europe Anticipation Bulletin N°5, LEAP/E2020 had detailed the four phases of the global systemic crisis, indicating that the phase known as of acceleration would start in June and would be spread out over a period of a maximum six months at which stage, the explosive phase of the crisis, the […]

Israel 2020: 2 scenarios for the future Scenario 1: Towards the end of the State of Israel / Scenario 2: Towards a durable Israeli state

Continuing its in-depth analysis of the consequences of the end of the world order which had been the legacy of WWII, LEAP/E2020 started several months ago a strategic reflexion on the future of Israel. In this number 7 of the Global Europe Anticipation Bulletin, our teams present the two major options which, according to our […]

Trends – Continuing of the fall of the Dollar / A US economy entering stagflation

Firstly, LEAP/E2020 confirms the crisis is still accelerating and should last from June to November 2006, as we had already announced last May. In addition, our teams can now anticipate more precisely two essential developments: the continuing of the fall of the Dollar compared to the Euro, with a new acceleration by the end of […]